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GO Forschung Budget

Projektbild: Zwei Augen mit bunten Farben

GO Forschung Budget offers up to 5.000€ to inter- and transdisciplinary research teams of the University of Bayreuth. R1, R2 and R3 researchers, who include and emphasise aspects of gender and diversity in their research, can apply for the funding programme. They can use the budget to either prepare an application for third party funding,  a publication or creative outreach measures, such as podcasts or live events. For this measure we are cooperating with the Research Support Office.

Call for proposals: GO Forschung Budget Hide

GO Forschung Budget - up to €5,000 for on-campus, inter- and transdisciplinary research teams that focus on gender aspects and diversity dimensions

The BMBF-funded GO Forschung project awards the "GO Forschung Budget" and calls for proposals. GO Forschung Budget is a funding measure that is endowed with up to €5,000 and can be granted to inter- or transdisciplinary teams of at least two Early Career Researchers (R1-R3) from the University of Bayreuth who pay particular attention to gender and diversity aspects in their research. The duration of the projects to be funded is up to twelve months and granted funds can be used for direct costs (Sach- und Hilfskraftmittel). Eligible for funding are the development of a project idea for an external grant application (DFG, foundations, etc.), a publication, or creative outreach projects such as podcasts, events or blogs.

The projects to be funded are selected by the Advisory Board of the GO Forschung project and the University of Bayreuth's Executive Board, supported by the Gender Equality Service Centre and the Research Support Office.

The GO Forschung Budget also offers various opportunities for networking and exchange to grantees. If desired, the teams have the opportunity to receive advice on aspects of gender and intersectionality from established researchers (R4) at the University of Bayreuth. In addition, the projects and their results are communicated to the (scientific) public. Together with the University of Bamberg, projects can be presented in a live podcast and discuss it with the audience present. At the end of the project period, the teams will publish their project results on the project website and in the campus magazine UBTaktuell.


The proposed project must be clearly presented in an application. The development of a project idea for an external application (DFG, foundations, etc.), a publication or an outreach measure with relevant scope and impact are eligible for funding. The project proposals must also include a time and budget plan and be submitted in full via the online form.

Eligible applicants are inter- or transdisciplinary teams consisting of at least two Early Career Researchers (R1-R3) of the University of Bayreuth (UBT members).

Proposals can be submitted in English or German.

Deadline: October 30, 2024

Evaluation criteria:

  • Convincing presentation of the inclusion of gender aspects and diversity dimensions in the proposed research or outreach project
  • Convincing demonstration of the timely execution of the funded measure (submission to the funding body or publisher or execution of the outreach measure)
  • Convincing presentation of the timely use of funds in the 2025 financial year

Inspiration, advice and resources:

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Download the call for proposals as a PDF-file

Use the online form to submit your proposal.

Handout explaining important terms and concepts as well as introductory literature.

Contact: GO Forschung Team

Webmaster: Britta Bayer

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